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One animal will be featured on each day. These are the Best in Shelter 2017 participating sanctuaries. Click on their logo for more details on each. Best in Shelter Announces Winners for 2017 Competition. More than 6,000 Votes Cast for Animals from Eights Sanctuaries. Best in Shelter Announces Fourth Online Competition.
We celebrate the daring spirit that exists in all.
Reviews and quotes from viewers. Tell Us What You Thought. Lives changed from seeing the film. Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated. This entertaining documentary showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who discover they can change the world one bite at a time. Enter Your Email for Updates.
The Golden Spears Healing offers sanctuary and healing. Situated in the Wicklow Hills on the slopes of the Sugarloaf Mountain, beside one of the few deciduous forests left in Ireland. Glendalough, the ancient monastic settlement, is nearby as well. Chigong and Taichi Classes and Workshops.
New Kru Town Health Center. Beroepsopleidingen voor jongeren met een beperking. New Kru Town Health Center. Beroepsopleidingen voor jongeren met een beperking.
Marko Vide - Web Designer and Developer since 1996, working with an international range of clients from all over the globe. V Osmi hi i v Ljubljani vam je na voljo tudi psihoterapija Marko Vide.
Cilj društva je usmerjeno razvijanje in spodbujanje vseh aktivnosti, povezanih z razvojem transpersonalne psihoterapije v Sloveniji. Je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2010 z namenom omogočati prostovoljno združevanje transpersonalnih psihoterapevtov ter terapevtov in edukantov, ki pri svojem delu z ljudmi uporabljajo različne transpersonalne metode in tehnike.
Študijske dneve Slovenske krovne zveze za psihoterapijo. Podpis memoranduma o sodelovanju med SKZP in ZPS. Raziskava ponudbe psihoterapevtskih storitev na spletu. Vabilo na delavnico Transakcijsko-analitična psihoterapija depresije.
Zajčja luknja je Inštitut za psihoterapijo in raziskovanje zdravilnega potenciala spremenjenih stanj zavesti. V inštitutu nudimo psihoterapevtsko pomoč ter izvajamo strokovne raziskave različnih oblik psihoterapije in drugih metod zdravljenja, predvsem tistih, ki temeljijo na delu v spremenjenih stanjih zavesti. Dejavnosti zavoda obsegajo tudi informativno-izobraževalne dejavnosti kot je organiziranje in izvajanje konferenc, predavanj in delavnic, ter založništvo.
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag. DEADLINE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS FRIDAY 20 JANUARY. Conference essentials at a glance. NH Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands.
Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.
Dit is een lijst van een aantal representatieve activiteiten die ondertussen afgerond zijn. Deze lijst is niet volledig. Op deze activiteiten kan niet meer worden ingeschreven. Er zijn op dit moment geen activiteiten zichtbaar. Of 071 - 579 84 51.